Switching to Safer Real Talk

Switching to Safer Real Talk

Something happened last week that made me realize I have a story to tell when it comes to switching to safer. The reason I had not tried Billie (see last week’s post on this) years ago was because they have Polyethylene Glycol in their razor strip. Normally I stay away from PEGs because they are often contaminated with carcinogens like ethylene oxide and 1,4 dioxane. PEG compounds are most often used as thickeners and you will find them on a label either spelled out or with their compound number like PEG-4 or PEG-7. Not only can they be contaminated, but they can increase penetration through the skin.

While this is not ideal, what I found is that this razor made a difference for me in the experience of shaving. I HATE shaving with a passion and the Billie Razor made it more enjoyable for me. Also, the magnetic wall holder is finally an easy way to store a razor in the shower. There are two arguments behind the use of this in a shower product: 1. It rinses off quick so don’t be too worried about it. 2. Your pores are more open in the shower from the hot water which may increase absorption.

So, there really is no one size fits all answer here. What may be important to one person may be not a big deal to another. To top it all off, there is so much in the unknown when it comes to ingredients in our products and how they directly correlate to human health. So here is where I stand. I hope it encourages you:

There is enough evidence out there to prove that the ingredients we use in our homes and on our bodies every single day affect our health. Whether that be from finding parabens in breast cancer tissue, plastics in umbilical cord blood or severe allergies from synthetic fragrance. Our bodies are constantly detoxing through different pathways. The liver and kidneys detox through bowel movements and the urinary tract, sweat is secreted from the skin and breathing also gets rid of unwanted toxins. Many of these processes are run by the lymphatic system in the body. Among other key uses, the lymphatic system helps to filter out toxins and waste in the body. When this gets overwhelmed it can be hard for your body to fire on all engines; thus, leading to illnesses and weakened immune systems. Basically, there is a lot we cannot control when it comes to pollutants and toxins. What we can control are the products we use in our homes and on our bodies.

Due to the lack of regulation on the ingredients in the products we use, there are so many unknowns and, unfortunately, finding safer options is up to the consumer. Here is where I come in! My passion is making this easy on you for whatever level you want to attack it. Do you want to overhaul everything overnight and know the ins and outs of what to shop for? I got you! Do you want to start slowly with what you need to purchase and just find brands you can trust? I’m here for you too!

The moral of the story is: we all want to protect our health and the health of our families. An excellent way of doing that is to make sure you aren’t overwhelming your body with toxic chemicals so it can run like a well oiled machine. Take the progress not perfection approach, find brands that you trust and learn as you go. So yes, I am keeping my Billie Razor because summer is quickly approaching and I need to shave my legs more often. I will continue to search for one with better ingredients, but I’m not gonna sweat it! Where do you land on the switching to safer spectrum? (There is no wrong answer here.)

  1. “I do what I can when I can.”

  2. “I am slowly but surely switching my products to safer.”

  3. “I want to know that every single ingredient is safe in my products.”

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