Detox Me Tuesday Approved Reusable Cups

Detox Me Tuesday Approved Reusable Cups

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I recently became obsessed with my 36 oz. Yeti Rambler that was gifted to me and I thought, “Oh yeah! Probably one of the easiest switches to safer you can make is a reusable water bottle.” Then I found this report from the Endocrine Society and wanted to dive a little deeper.

The Endocrine Society released a statement in 2015 “reiterating and updating the strength of evidence linking EDCs with human diseases and conditions including cancer, early puberty in young girls, obesity and diabetes, male and female reproductive disorders, and neurodevelopmental effects, among others. The second statement also highlighted key advancements in the understanding of how EDCs act, and the understanding of core concepts in EDC research, including effects at even very low exposures to EDCs, and the particular vulnerability of developing fetuses and infants.”

Your endocrine system is a system of glands throughout your body that release hormones that bind to receptors on proper organs and trigger a response in the body. “Endocrine glands and the hormones they produce enable the body to adapt to environmental change; they allow metabolic adjustments to occur in response to different nutritional demands (e.g. hunger, starvation, obesity, etc.); they are critical to reproductive function; and they are essential to normal development of the body and brain through their effects on growth and maturation of organs.”

Many of these EDC’s mimic hormones, like estrogen, and can bind to receptors wreaking havoc on your body. It is found through studies that even low doses aren’t safe in the body. “It has been estimated that, globally, upwards of 23% of all deaths and 22% of human disability are attributable to environmental factors and that the environment plays a role in 80% of the most deadly diseases, including cancer and respiratory and cardiovascular diseases…”

Major EDCs in plastics include:

  • Bisphenols: BPA is one; however, when it was banned it was commonly replaced with BPS or BPF compounds. While these haven’t been studied as much, many studies have shown that these two compounds have estrogenic properties too. BPA is rapidly matabolized in the body so with a few switches you can significantly reduce your body burden.

  • Perfluorinated compounds (PFAS): You have probably heard of PFOA and PFOS in regards to non-stick coating on your pots and pans. They are known to mimic estrogen, but also have the ability to bind to other receptors in the body.

  • Bromninated Flame Retardants (BFRs): Have been shown to have anti-androgenic actions effecting the male reproductive system, alter thyroid hormone levels and developmental problems in children. More on flame retardants HERE.

  • Phthalates: “The global production and use of plastics exceeds 150 million tons per year and the annual consumption of phthalates exceeds 6-8 million tons per year.” Phthalates are made of non-covalent bonds which means they can easily leach from products in the environment to products we use and consume.

  • Lead and Cadmium: Both of these are known to be bio-accumulative, meaning they build up in your body over time (unlike BPAs). “Lead competes with calcium and accumulates in the bones, liver and kidneys, whereas cadmium accumulates mainly in the liver and kidneys.”

Okay, I’m done with the deep dive for now, but basically let your takeaway be that many plastics are filled with all sorts of EDCs that do effect our hormone system. This is not about being perfect. I am going enjoy my take out in that plastic container, but being empowered to make the best decisions for your health can make a big difference. My first switch here is to switch to safer water bottles! In general go with stainless steel, glass or silicone. I love the GoSili cups for to go coffee when I want to drink it immediately. Bonus if you have a stainless or silicone reusable straw too!

Brands from the Image above:



Stojo Cup - Collapsible silicone.

Stainless Steel:




Simple Modern - Great affordable option to some others you see. They have an amazing give back portion of the company. Watch video HERE.



Keep Cup


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