Where to Prioritize Organic Grocery Shopping

Where to Prioritize Organic Grocery Shopping

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One of the most important thing when it comes to grocery shopping is knowing where to prioritize your spend. Thanks to the Environmental Working Group, we know exactly which foods to focus on when it comes to organic based on the amount of pesticides they are contaminated with.

The 2021 EWG Shopper’s Guide ranks the pesticide contamination of 46 popular fruits and vegetables. It is based on results of more than 46,000 samples of produce tested by the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration. Numerous peer-reviewed scientific studies have shown that consuming produce high in pesticide residues (like the items on our Dirty Dozen™) increases the risk of certain negative health impacts, and that choosing organic can have almost immediate impacts on the amount of residues in a person’s body. From EWG

Use these lists while at the store to prioritize where you buy organic. Why avoid pesticides? Pesticides are designed to kill living organisms that may harm crops. Research has shown that pesticides have been linked to hormone disruption, cancer, cognitive problems and behavioral problems. This EWG Guide to Avoiding Pesticides is a great tool!

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