Hidden Fragrance You Don't Need

Hidden Fragrance You Don't Need

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I was shocked when I went to the store this week how long it took me to actually choose tissues. There were so many with aloe lotion or fresh scent options. I had to really scan the boxes to make sure I was getting a fragrance free version. This same thing happened to me last year when I was looking for trash bags! Almost all of them are scented with Febreze or Gain. Use this image as a little reminder that even these small changes to your home matter and be proud!

According to the EPA ” … a growing body of scientific evidence has indicated that the air within homes and other buildings can be more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities. Other research indicates that people spend approximately 90 percent of their time indoors.”

In order to keep up with a competitive market many everyday products are creating scented options to set themselves apart. YOU DO NOT NEED THESE FORMULAS! I chose these four categories because they should be easy for you to switch.

While there are more and more options with safer fragrance alternatives, I have found that over time I am more sensitive to smells even if they claim to be “safer.” Pay attention to your own reaction. For me, I can’t stand a ton of different smells so I go fragrance free as much as possible and prioritize a few scented options in my home like EO on wool dryer balls and a diffuser every now and then. New to the fragrance free journey? Test out dropping all synthetic fragrance and see if you see any health benefits like fewer allergies, headaches, skin reactions, etc. You may be surprised!

Tissues: You are better off using an ointment like THIS ONE by Moon Valley Organics that will soothe your irritated or dry skin.

Trash Bags: I stay away from any bag that has another brand name on the box like “Febreze” “Gain” or “Arm & Hammer.”

Dish Soap/Detergent: This has never been a priority area for having a scent for me and I think it’s an easy way to ditch it!

Multipurpose Cleaner: I included this one because it is the most used product when cleaning. Switch this one out for a safer options and opt for fragrance free! HERE is my #dmtapproved round up of safe cleaning brands. My favorite brand is Branch Basics. Use code DETOXMETUESDAY for 15% off!

Detox Me Tuesday Approved Baby/Kids Wellness Brands

Detox Me Tuesday Approved Baby/Kids Wellness Brands

Detox Me Tuesday Approved Sunscreen (2021 Update)

Detox Me Tuesday Approved Sunscreen (2021 Update)